M&A Integration Processes and Issues

In M&A it is crucial to avoid damaging the value of the deal. Therefore, you must be patient and plan and create https://reising-finanz.de/different-types-of-mortgage-rates/ your process. I’ve observed that the most frequent problems are related to people – how they react to change, how they resist it, and what they do when things don’t go as planned.

We assist our clients in setting up an effective system that allows them to spot potential issues early and respond quickly. This could be that, for instance, holding weekly meetings where the IMO and functional work streams evaluate their progress against the plan and raise issues and risks to the SteerCo.

Once the method of addressing issues has been established, it’s vital to focus on implementation. It is crucial to ensure that the team understands what they’re expected to do and how they will be evaluated, and the time frame for when. Also, it should clearly state accountability (i.e., ownership of the final results) and decision-making authority for the entire integrated company.

It is vital that the CEO and top managers can devote at least 90 percent of their time on core matters and not be distracted by integration tasks. One method to achieve this is to choose an effective leader to lead the Decision Management Office (IMO) which will help triage the decisions and oversee the work streams. This person could be from the acquired organization or a rising star within the merged company that has the backing of their boss to fulfill this commitment.

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